Bloating during menopause from water retention changes: Symptoms and Treatments

In this article, you'll discover effective solutions to alleviate water retention during menopause.


What is Hydrosaline Retention?

Firstly, it's essential to understand that the human body is composed of about 60% water. Hydrosaline retention occurs when water accumulates in certain parts of the body under the skin. This imbalance disturbs water distribution within the body, leading to poor circulation and trapped water in cells and tissues. Water retention can concentrate in specific areas, typically affecting the feet and ankles initially due to gravitational effects, potentially exacerbating cellulite appearance.

Causes of Water Retention During Perimenopause and Menopause

During perimenopause and menopause, women experience unprecedented hormonal fluctuations particularly a decline in estrogen levels, triggering symptoms like hot flashes and skin dryness. These hormonal shifts can disrupt the body's fluid balance, complicating sodium retention, while progesterone regulates estrogen's retention activity. It's no surprise that hormonal fluctuations can impair the body's ability to maintain normal fluid balance. Other causes of water retention include prolonged sitting or standing, excessive salt intake, food intolerances or allergies (such as dairy or wheat), physical inactivity, heart failure, capillary damage, kidney dysfunction, infections, and obesity.

How to Identify Water Retention Symptoms?

If you feel swelling in your legs, feet, abdomen, or hands, leading to significant discomfort, you may be experiencing water retention. For some, this can result in overall weight gain, especially between the ages of 45 and 55, coinciding with hormonal changes.

Solutions to Relieve Water Retention During Menopause

Hydration to Combat Water Retention

Proper hydration is key aim to drink at least 1.5 to 2 liters of water daily to enhance elimination. Fluids are found not only in beverages like coffee and tea but also abundantly in fruits and vegetables. Consider incorporating diuretic and draining plants like herbal teas into your routine.

Monitor Your Salt Intake

Reducing dietary salt is highly effective. Sodium in salt binds with water in the body, maintaining fluid balance inside and outside cells. High sodium intake, common in processed foods, can exacerbate water retention.

Maintain Physical Activity

Regular exercise prevents lymphatic system stagnation, crucial in reducing water retention, especially in the ankles. Physical activity also aids in weight management and overall physical health, releasing endorphins that improve mood during menopause.

Increase Fiber Intake

Fiber aids in intestinal transit and waste elimination, essential in combating water retention and maintaining physical fitness. Recommended foods include green vegetables, oranges, various fruits, and red vegetables.

Enhance Calcium and Vitamin D Intake

To prevent bone demineralization during perimenopause and menopause, increase calcium and vitamin D consumption. Sources include dairy products, cruciferous vegetables like broccoli, and fortified foods like salmon and egg yolks.

Include Vitamin B6 and PotassiumFinal tips

Vitamin B6 regulates fluid balance and reduces water retention, found in bananas, potatoes, chickpeas, nuts, and tuna. Potassium balances fluid levels by counteracting sodium effects, abundant in bananas, avocados, sweet potatoes, and spinach.

Limit Refined Carbohydrates

Avoid refined carbohydrates like white bread and pasta, as they spike insulin levels, promoting sodium reabsorption and increased fluid volume.

Stress Reduction Methods

Long-term stress increases cortisol production, leading to heightened ADH levels that prompt water retention. Manage stress through massages, meditation, yoga, or seeking support from health professionals to regulate hormonal balance and mitigate water retention effects.

Example of an Anti-Water Retention Diet for Menopause

Focus on plant-based, vegetable-rich meals to alleviate water retention: 

- Breakfast Hibiscus herbal tea Soft-boiled egg with beet and raw garlic salad, spelt bread Bowl of mixed berries 

- Lunch Mint cucumber and tomato salad Ginger-seasoned pineapple chicken with olive oil and fresh basil Plant-based yogurt with raspberries and strawberries 

- Snack Baked figs Handful of almonds 

- Dinner Melon gazpacho Avocado and fresh spinach sprouts toast with fresh goat cheese Draining herbal tea: water, pineapple, lemon, ginger